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Soccer Training Programmes

Item Code: 1193
Price: $17.95 each
$17.05 for SoccerROM Members)


by Gerhard Frank

Success on the soccer field demands a combination of fitness, technical skills, and tactical ability from players. The challenge for coaches is to devise training programs which meet these requirements while keeping it safe, interesting, and fun. Soccer Training Programmes is a collection of 96 detailed plans designed to be used by coaches. In clear and consise chapters it also provides an overview of the key aspects of a coaches work, including physical training, skill development, tactics, and psycological preparation. 200 pages.


  1. Introduction
  2. General training approaches
  3. Psychological aspects
  4. Training principles
  5. Techniques and tactics in amateur soccer
  6. Training periods and planning
  7. Organizational tips
  8. Performance measurement
  9. Explaination of symbols
  10. Training programmes
  11. Training in halls and fitness studios

ISBN: 3891245564

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