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Offensive and Defensive Systems for Youth Soccer

Item Code: YRD-04592C
Price: $29.99 each
$27.74 for SoccerROM Members)

Sizes/Formats:  DVD

with Jason Sisneros,
University of North Carolina Assistant Women's Soccer Coach and Director of Match Analysis;
2012 National Champions (and 22 National Collegiate Championships);
youth soccer coach for 17+ years - has led youth teams to state and regional titles; NSCAA Premier Diploma

North Carolina Assistant Coach Jason Sisneros provides an overview of fundamental principles for effective defending and attacking at the youth level. He then analyzes systemic applications of those principles with a variety of formations, including the 3-4-3 and 4-4-2.

After laying out the fundamental principles of offense and defense and their systemic applications, Coach Sisneros uses practice footage with two youth players to present foundational one- and two-player technical drills and variations.

Coach Sisneros introduces the defensive elements of pressure, cover, and balance. He analyzes how these elements can be implemented through a variety of systems of play, with particular focus on the 3-4-3 and 4-4-2 formations. Player positioning for the three lines of attack, midfield, and defense and off-ball awareness are stressed.

The essential attacking principles of width and depth are highlighted by Coach Sisneros, who elaborates on how different systems of play (including the 3-4-3 and 4-4-2) can achieve these key strategic elements during a game. The roles of all three lines (defense, midfield, and attack) are covered.

Using two players and practice footage, Coach Sisneros presents 12 fundamental drills that develop technical skills, including Hook Turn Patterns, Repetitive and Off-Post Finishing, 12-Part Juggling, and seven different components of Pele Touches. Coach Sisneros demonstrates ways to make drill conditions increasingly game-like for players.

Coach Sisneros's analysis of how to establish fundamental principles and apply them to specific systems of play, along with his presentation of a dozen technical youth drills, will be beneficial for coaches and teams at the beginner and intermediate levels.

38 minutes (27 minutes of bonus footage). 2014.

Available in DVD format only.

See also:

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