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Winning Kids With Sport!

Item Code: GB-00903
Price: $29.99 each
$27.74 for SoccerROM Members)



with Dr. Rick McGuire,
University of Missouri, 30 year NCAA Division 1 coach and nationally recognized leader in Applied Sport Psychology

Does winning matter in sport? Does character matter? Does character contribute to a person being a better competitor, or is being an athlete just physical? If winning the game matters, then "Winning the Kid"--first--really matters!!

Do attributes like confidence, composure, concentration, courage, commitment, self-control, trust, and focus matter when the game is on the line? Do these matter in competitive performance? Of course! They all matter in playing your best, in delivering your very best performance when it is needed, and they can make all the difference in winning or losing any game or athletic contest.

In Winning Kids with Sport, Dr. Rick McGuire, one of the most distinguished practitioners in the field of coaching and sport psychology, presents his philosophy, perspectives, and the plan to build a coaching model for sport where the intention is to "win" in the life of every athlete...because kids matter! Coach McGuire uses construction models to guide coaches in developing practice plans, focused on building these essential mental and psycho-emotional skills and attributes, simultaneously with the physical skills necessary to develop great athletes, performers, and teams.

Sport is huge in our lives, and innately good and fun! It is fun to try to win the games of sport. The whole process of developing everybody in the best way to give the best chance of winning the game is an interesting challenge, actually a very fun challenge. "Winning each kid" gives us the best chance to win the "games" we'd like to win. Finally, when we win kids with sport, whether or not we win all of the games, we will at least have WON IN THE LIVES OF THE KIDS, for their futures, that they may flourish and be filled with success and happiness!

228 pages. 2012.

Available in DVD format only.

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