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Find a Way to Win

Item Code: 1097
Price: $30.00 each
$27.75 for SoccerROM Members)


Business consultant Dan Coughlin spent four months studying the coaching approaches of Terry Michler, America's all-time winningest soccer coach. He wanted to uncover Michler's methods for creating extraordinary group performances year after year. In 39 seasons, Terry Michler's CBC High School soccer team has won over 800 games, six state championships, and six state runner-up trophies. He has been named National Coach of the Year by the NSCAA. Coughlin interviewed Terry Michler's former players, opposing coaches, assistant coach, mentors, and protégés to increase his understanding of Michler's proven approach to building championship teams. Coughlin then converted Terry Michler's ideas into management insights for improving group performances inside businesses.

"Find a Way to Win is packed with winning strategies that have worked for Terry Michler in soccer and will serve as a compass for business managers who dream of building first-class businesses. I know Terry well, and I know this book will give every reader value in which way to go. Study it carefully!"
- Jan Pruijn, Head of Technical, AJAX Capetown, Director, Soccer Active

Find a Way to Win is about achieving team excellence in soccer and in business.

In soccer, giving your team direction and motivation is one of the most important roles of the coach.

In business, organizations don't achieve results and neither do individuals. All business results are accomplished through group performances.

If you are a business manager who coaches youth soccer, played soccer in high school, or enjoys learning from someone who has achieved the pinnacle of success, Find a Way to Win is the book for you. Key concepts for improving group performance include:

  • Never stop learning how to be a better leader of the team
  • Consistently evaluate individual and group performance
  • Find "paired opposites" within the group to work alongside each other
  • Understand the psychological make-up of each member of the group
  • Invest far more time in observing than in directing
  • Develop problem-solvers throughout the team
  • Continually work to simplify the performance in order to improve it
  • Build relationships with team members for the long term
  • Prepare completely for success
  • Increase the purposeful efficiency of the group
  • Understand the competition in great detail
  • Develop the heart of a champion
Find a Way to Win provides you with a practical blueprint to create extraordinary teamwork. Use the practical ideas in this book to win on the soccer pitch and in the marketplace.

"Dan Coughlin did a masterful job of converting Terry Michler's soccer coaching wisdom into practical ideas business managers can use right away to improve results. Buy it, read it, and apply the ideas immediately!"
- Jerry Yeagley, former Indiana University Head Soccer Coach, winner of six NCAA Division I National Championships

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