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Soccer Training for Girls and Women

Item Code: 1208
Price: $19.95 each
$18.95 for SoccerROM Members)


by Klaus Bischops and Heinz-Willi Gerards

Playing soccer is as popular with women as it is with men, and female athletes bring a lot of playing sense to the game. Here are practice-oriented training sessions, each divided into warm-up, focus point, and the implementation into the game, all laid out according to the players' age. 157 pages.


  1. Introduction
  2. Training with girls and women
  3. Development psychology
  4. Tips for the trainer
  5. Coaching in training and during a match
  6. Structure of a training session
  7. Coordination
  8. Putting things into practice
  9. Scoring goals - preventing goals
  10. Cool-down
  11. Organization of a tournament
  12. Leisure time together as a team

ISBN: 1841260975

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