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SoccerROM's Commitment to Excellence

SoccerROM is the only website of its kind. Nowhere else will you find a searchable database of over 600 exercises that allows you to quickly develop a training plan designed specifically for the needs of your team. Nowhere else will you find SoccerROM's easy-to-use and convenient Team Management Tools that allow you to access and edit your rosters and calendars online from anywhere in the world.

Our subscribers work with all levels of players, from U-6 boys and girls to college and professional teams. We've been recognized for our commitment to excellence by such publications as Forbes.com's "Best of the Web" and the NSCAA Soccer Journal.

We know you won't be disappointed, but don't just take our word for it. Here's what others have said about SoccerROM:

"During the few years I have been using the internet I have never taken time to thank the owners of a website I have visited. This being a first let me say thank you for all the effort you (collectively) have put into the development of this site. For a lone coach out here on his own with no one or nowhere to turn locally for advice or suggestions your website has been a blessing.

"I have done nothing if not struggle in my efforts to put together sensible and logical practice sessions. Now for the first time I am able to appreciate the order with which a session can be arranged and how it can be made to flow from one segment to another. I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am. To be perfectly honest about it I feel like a kid in candy store not knowing where to start."

-FG (Chatsworth, Georgia)

"After finishing the National Diploma this summer, I find your site very helpful in setting up practices. Keep up the good work, and keep improving."

-RB (Mandeville, Louisiana)

"I have appreciated the drills you have on your site, their number, the graphics that help demonstrate them...all great. But the article I just read on pushing out of the backfield...that is the stuff that really helps. It sort of pulls it all together, explains things that are not evident in the drills. They explain things that are obvious to experienced coaches but are hidden to me. Thanks for your site, it is all great!"

-TS (Middleton, Idaho)

"First off, let me say that this is a great site. I have enjoyed searching your database and found all the drills to be very helpful. I can remember doing a lot of those as a youth growing up in Seattle, and now that I am coaching here in Anchorage, I needed a little reminder of some of those drills and found new ones that will surely help to improve the skill level of my teams. Thank you for your time and assistance."

-BF (Anchorage, Alaska)

"I just checked out the SoccerROM website of yours. I was really impressed...I spend untold hours planning my practices and your site will help me cut down that time...I plan to use your site exclusively."

-TW (Newark, Delaware)

"First let me say that this is a wonderful site and I know it has helped me as a coach. The setup on your page is excellent and I would recommend this site to any coach at any level. Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to more good things on SoccerROM.com."

-DK (Ontario, Canada)

"Although I have only used SoccerROM for a few minutes, I am already comfortable with the interface and have built some good practice plans. This is a great resource for new coaches!"

-CR (San Jose, California)

"You guys are so helpful!...I suggested your program to some of my select coaches...They are taking their 'D' license course. I explained to them, instead of going home to work out a lesson plan for their 'testing topic', they should join SoccerROM and let them develop a plan for them. I wish I would have known about your program when I took my 'D' license. I worked for hours developing a plan."

-LB (Alexandria, Virginia)

"The service is outstanding and I have already made several recommendations to other coaches and friends. Thanks again for your help."

-MP (LaGrange, Georgia)

"Let me first say that I've really enjoyed my SoccerROM subscription, even in just 2 weeks. I initially subscribed because of the organization of drills and because your site is very well done. In using it, though, I've found many good drills that I had not been exposed to before -- even being in soccer training full-time and most of my life, so I commend you on your commitment to excellence."

-JC (Tulsa, Oklahoma)

"I always come to SoccerROM first if I don't have it in my own drills. Your diagrams are by far the best."

-KG (Decatur, Alabama)

"I have been enjoying your web site for about a month now. I am very impressed by the amount of information available and your hard work and dedication to keeping the site current. Thanks for the wonderful site."

-CG (California, Maryland)

"I love your site...great stuff and the fact that you're adding new things periodically is great. Keep up the great work."

-TL (Lakeville, Minnesota)
"I find these graphics helpful. After a three year absence (after five years of coaching in the early 90's) I am trying my hand again. I stumbled onto your site, and I'm eager to try some of what you recommend--beginning today with the first practice. Thanks again for SoccerROM!"

-TH (Marysville, Ohio)

"I have visited your site and to say that I'm impressed would be an understatement...Your presentation is so much more understandable than the traditional "X's and O's" format I learned from. Your format would have saved me many a night of head scratching and wondering why what looked so good on the chalkboard just didn't add up during practice!

"I think your method of visualizing drills is the best way to learn online...Best of luck with what seems to be a must have product for all coaches."

-RH (British Columbia, Canada)

"I've only been using SoccerROM for a few weeks but I've grown to depend on it already. It is just a great help to be able to plan my practices so easily but maybe more importantly be able to provide variety for my players. I coach young boys and keeping it fresh for them is a challenge. The changes you have made improved SoccerROM considerably. Making the changes was a very good thing. Notifying your customers of the changes is just great customer service."

-BD (Memphis, Tennessee)

"Let me start by saying this might be the best decision I ever made (signing up for SoccerROM). The site is wonderful and it couldn't be more helpful. Where was this site when I was first asked to coach soccer back in 1984? I'd be world class if I had SoccerROM back then."

"I can't begin to tell you how much SoccerROM has helped during these early practice days. I believe my players sense my enthusiasm and are responding to it. Should God bless me to continue coaching I know I will be a regular subscriber to SoccerROM!"

-EG (La Place, Louisiana)

"Your site is an outstanding aid. I played ball my whole life, including college. I am now a 40 year old father [who] is coaching his daughters (ages 6 & 7). The drills on your site have helped dramatically. Our team of under 7 girls lost its first game and none since. I swear that the SoccerROM site has been a big part of that. Could I have done this on my own? Possibly. But, this site has made a significant difference as far as I am concerned. My love for the game combined with your drills has been a great match for our team."

-EZ (Atlanta, Georgia)

"We've been using [SoccerROM] for a couple of weeks and it's made a huge difference in our practices. It takes less time to plan a practice and we're getting more done in practice. The practices are more intense, banging quickly from one drill to another, with a great progression. The team management aspects [have] also been a time-saver. This is something I would wholeheartedly endorse, especially for newer coaches. It's also something that would be far better for parents to give to a coach as a season ending gift than a gift certificate to a restaurant or retailer."

-MM (Lewisville, Texas)

"I love your service, and will continue to use it as long as I coach."

-DN (Huntington Beach, California)

"I am a new member (I think your site is great). I am a new coach (2 years) and I recently took a licensing course. They spent a lot of time having us develop drills and practice plans to address specific areas of work. I asked why can't someone provide some templates or existing practice plans for basic topics. Seems like we are all reinventing the wheel each week and using the written material I was able to find was very confusing and not flexible at all. The response was that all coaches have their own style and want to do things their own way. I did not agree, but had no alternative.

"My sense is this is an 'old school' view of life -- nice to see you have moved us into the 21st century. This site is exactly what 90% of the youth soccer coaches should be using to develop their plans -- I will be using it every week from now on. It took me 10 minutes to develop a very good plan addressing a specific area with all the drills related. Could not have been easier. Thanks again."

-BM (South Glastonbury, Connecticut)

"I'm delving into SoccerROM to find exercises to complete my training sessions for the off season program. Thanks for developing such a great program."

-AS (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)

"Thanks for your awesome web site. It has made me a better coach."

-JL (Prescott, Arizona)

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